Tullamore Tullamore Showground Park up for the night or pitch a tent at the Tullamore Showground, 97.5 kilometres along the Bogan Way scenic route from…
Parkes Rose Garden on Church Rose Garden on Church Bed and Breakfast is centrally located in Parkes and is an exquisitely decorated bed and breakfast…
Parkes Moonraker Motor Inn The Moonraker Motor Inn is ideally positioned on the Newell Highway, on the northern outskirts of Parkes.
Parkes Parkes Country Cabins Situated on Peak Hill Road at the northern edge of town, Parkes Country Cabins offers a charming escape with 35 air…
Trundle Cabins at the Trundle Services and Citizens Club The cabins are situated on the grounds of the Trundle Services and Citizens Club. A place where you will enjoy friendly a…
Parkes Kirsten Accommodation Parkes Kirsten Accommodation Parkes offers modern villas and Deluxe Cottage in the heart of Parkes CBD.
Parkes Cambridge Hotel The Cambridge Hotel offers country style pub accommodation with shared bathroom facilities and rates include a continental…
Tullamore Tullamore Hotel The Tullamore Hotel is situated in the heart of New South Wales, nestled in an area north-west of Parkes, south-west of…
Parkes Parkes International Motor Inn Parkes International is a 4 star motel offering a range of quality amenities and services to ensure a relaxing and…
Trundle Trundle Showground Discover affordable accommodation at Trundle Showground while exploring the scenic route to see Australia’s longest wooden…
Parkes Spicer Caravan Park The Spicer Caravan Park is a quiet park located off the noisy highway and is only a short walk to the town centre. The…
Parkes The Old Parkes Convent This magnificent turn of the century building, once home to the Sisters of Mercy and girl boarders is now your secluded…