Barellan Saltbush Bill Saltbush Bill is an iconic cartoon character created by Eric Jolliffe, depicting a sheep drover with a whip in hand and…
Narrandera J&V Courtyard Cafe JV’s Courtyard Cafe, located in East Street Narrandera, offers delicious fresh light meals and beverages. Dine in and…
Narrandera Charles Sturt Memorial The Charles Sturt Memorial commemorates the passing of this place in 1829 by explorer Captain Charles Sturt and his party…
Narrandera The Big Fig Tree Located beside the Fig Tree Motel on the Newell Highway the Big Fig Tree is almost 200 years old and an amazing specimen…
Grong Grong Royal Hotel Grong Grong The Royal Hotel Grong Grong offers counter meals in a friendly, caring community.
Narrandera Lake Talbot Lake Talbot is an artificial lake, located only 1.5 kilometres from Narrandera's town centre, and is ideal for boating,…
Narrandera Kiesling Lane Heritage Walk Kiesling Lane is located in the middle of Narrandera's main shopping area in East Street.
Narrandera In Motion Fitness Kayak Tours and Hire - Narrandera In Motion Fitness offers guided kayak tours that are led by an experienced guide who is happy to cater for individual…
Narrandera Marie Bashir Park Spacious and beautifully presented, Marie Bashir Park has a reputation that can only be envied by many rural towns. Its…
Narrandera Narrandera Wetlands Narrandera Wetlands is a man-made wetland that receives the town's stormwater and improves the quality of the water…
Narrandera Koala Spotting Narrandera Experience the excitement of finding a koala in its natural habitat!
Narrandera Wiradjuri Honour Wall Located within Marie Bashir Park in the centre of town, the Wiradjuri Honour Wall stands to honour the people of the…