Embark on a nature adventure into the world of koalas on this two-hour interactive journey through the Koala Conservation Hospital Port Macquarie and Roto House. This has been specially designed for…
Embark on a nature adventure into the world of koalas on this two-hour interactive journey through the Koala Conservation Hospital Port Macquarie and Roto House. This has been specially designed for children aged 7-12.
This is a unique koala, culture and nature experience!
Your child will learn about one of the world’s most iconic species- the koala, a miraculous marsupial - designed for life up high in Australia’s eucalypts. They will discover how koalas [guulas] carry a deep cultural significance for the Birpai of Guruk [Port Macquarie]. They will then immerse themselves in koala and nature-themed creativity and play on the grounds of the historic Roto House.