Barayal Bila (River Song)

Thursday 27 March 2025 to Monday 16 March 2026 (DAILY event)


Barayal Bila (River Song) is an exhibition that shares a story of Dungang 'Hastings River', through a poem and other visual forms, acknowledging the beautiful water ways from the mountains to the…

Barayal Bila (River Song) is an exhibition that shares a story of Dungang 'Hastings River', through a poem and other visual forms, acknowledging the beautiful water ways from the mountains to the sea.

The exhibition explores Birrbay people living in balance with Ngaya Barray 'Mother Earth' and who freely occupied the river system to obtain water, food, medicines, shelter materials, utensils and transport, then contemporary uses of the river for commercial and recreational fishing. The final theme of the exhibition highlights the need to care for Gurrwa 'Sea' and Barray 'Country', protecting and conserving our environment for our young ones; our grandchildren, grandchildren's children and all future generations.

Produced with the support of Powerhouse as part of the Extending Storyplace project with Museums and Galleries of NSW.