Overview Location Accessibility Nearby Share Home Places to visit in NSW North Coast Macleay Valley Coast Kempsey Kempsey Food And Drink South Kempsey Corner Store South Kempsey Corner Store Overview The South Kempsey Corner Store is a local cafe and grocery store with a focus on quality and delicious food, the perfect coffee and great service. The South Kempsey Corner Store is a local cafe and grocery store with a focus on quality and delicious food, the perfect coffee and great service. Read more Read less 46 Lachlan Street Kempsey NSW 2440 Australia (02) 6562 4072 https://www.facebook.com/thesouthkempseycornerstore Visit website Location 46 Lachlan Street Kempsey NSW 2440 Australia Open in maps Accessibility Does not cater for people with access needs. Website Call