Echuca Moama ParkRun

Saturday 15 March 2025 to Saturday 16 January 2027 (WEEKLY event)


Echuca Moama parkrun is a free, fun, and friendly weekly 5k community event. Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate – it's up to you! It is free to attend! but please register before you first come…

Echuca Moama parkrun is a free, fun, and friendly weekly 5k community event. Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate – it's up to you!

It is free to attend! but please register before you first come along. Only ever register with parkrun once and don't forget to bring a scannable copy of your barcode (request a reminder). If you forget it, you won't get a time.

You all take part for your own enjoyment. Please come along and join in whatever your pace!

They're friendly!
Every week the team grab a post parkrun coffee in a local café - please come and join the team!