Curated by David Hewitt, Four Winds’ Create and Inspire Director, Spring Youth Music Festival extends beyond the festival day to include year-round mentorship and opportunities for youth to learn…
Curated by David Hewitt, Four Winds’ Create and Inspire Director, Spring Youth Music Festival extends beyond the festival day to include year-round mentorship and opportunities for youth to learn instruments. Through workshops, tutoring, and in-school programs, Four Winds is dedicated to empowering young people to express their stories through sound.
A highlight of the ‘25 festival will be Red Dirt Hymns, Andrew Ford’s powerful tribute to the Australian landscape, performed by the Luminescence Chamber Singers. The festival will offer a space for connection, celebration, and deep listening, with local talent and young musicians taking centre stage.
Have a step free main entrance to the building and/or reception area (includes ramps or slopes with a maximum gradient of 1:14, otherwise are too steep for wheelchairs)
Have accessible seating areas in theatrette
Have an accessible public toilet which is unlocked
Have at least one wheelchair accessible parking space with wheelchair accessible signage clearly displayed (International standards are 3200mm wide x 2500 mm high)
Have doorways which are easy to open and have lever handles (doorways 850mm or wider when open and not heavy)
Have step free access to restaurant, lounge and bar
Have step free access to the conference or function room
Have step free outdoor pathways (includes picnic areas, barbecues and shelters)
Offer a range of contact methods for receiving complaints
Offer multiple options for booking - web, email, phone