The Bay Games

Friday 08 November 2024 to Sunday 10 November 2024


The Bay Games is about creating connection and community through competition. It is a Functional Fitness event focused towards the 'Everyday Athlete'. These are people who work full time but still…

The Bay Games is about creating connection and community through competition. It is a Functional Fitness event focused towards the 'Everyday Athlete'. These are people who work full time but still make a big effort to take care of their health and fitness. The Bay Games works to provide these everyday athletes with a professional sports experience in and amongst the beautiful Jervis Bay.

Actively welcomes people with access needs.

Ask all visitors if there are any specific needs to be met

Have accessibility information and photos, including of a bathroom, room and/or floor plan on your website (can be emailed on request)

Offer a range of contact methods for receiving complaints

Offer multiple options for booking - web, email, phone

Provide assistance with booking arrangements (includes providing clear itineraries with written instructions on what to do at various destinations)