Plant Blindness - with Aunty Deidre Martin

Friday 18 October 2024


Take a walk on the boardwalk adjacent the Jervis Bay Maritime Museum with Aunty Deidre Martin amongst the mangroves. Many of you walk around in a state of deprivation, despite being in the midst of…

Take a walk on the boardwalk adjacent the Jervis Bay Maritime Museum with Aunty Deidre Martin amongst the mangroves.

Many of you walk around in a state of deprivation, despite being in the midst of plenty. In the busy-ness of life, you are similar to little ants - scurrying everywhere frantically, but missing the bigger picture. When you take a step back and widen your view, you suddenly see all of the opportunities available to you.

Aunty Deidre will share more about the concept of ‘plant blindness’, which refers to those that have more recently come to this continent’s inability to notice the plants in the surrounding environment. This lack of reverence for and sliding relationship with nature has seen many devolve in their reference to nature as ‘it’ rather than ‘thou’.

Society fails to acknowledge the vital role that plants have in the communal biosphere and the beauty they bring to your cultural and spiritual lives.

You will leave feeling inspired by First Nations knowledge systems and their significance, as Aunty Deidre encourages everyone to pause, listen and truly look.

Does not cater for people with access needs.