Lyrebird Ridge Organic Winery and Retreat


Lyrebird Ridge Winery and Retreat is the perfect place to enjoy a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and experience the peace and tranquillity of the 40-acre country retreat - how's…

Lyrebird Ridge Winery and Retreat is the perfect place to enjoy a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and experience the peace and tranquillity of the 40-acre country retreat - how's the serenity!

Enjoy bush walks, fishing in the dam, a barbecue in the beautiful grounds near the cellar door and complimentary wine tasting.

They offer two rooms for accommodation, The Retreat (2 bedrooms) and The Studio. Both spaces are fully self-contained with a fireplace. A continental breakfast is included and basic pantry supplies are stocked for your use.