The Shark, Ray and all Creatures Rescue Centre
Pat, feed and play with sharks, rays, eels, turtles, Macaws, birds, lizards, snakes, insects, octopus and sheep! Memories to last a lifetime.
The Shark, Ray and All Creatures Centre has created an unusual alliance with local commercial fishermen to rescue some very cool sharks and rays and a range of fish that have either been accidentally damaged in nets or were due to be sold as food. This includes eels, fish, octopus, seahorses and clownfish.
Plus rescued birds including Magnificent Macaws (who you can get photos with) snakes, lizards, sheep and turtles.
Nearly all sharks, rays and fish are able to be safely touched and fed by visitors so they get used to people. For the more adventurous, bring your swimmers/t-shirt and jump in the water and help them train their sharks and rays so they can be guaranteed a safe future.
Get the mega ticket and have lunch or morning/afternoon tea in the awesome underwater cafe and butterfly house. Hang out with their rescued birds and turtles on the way out. Bait provided too feed some on the creatures and get the turtles going as well.
Completely undercover with plenty of free parking check out their website for more information.