C.ex Urunga Golf Club


C.ex Urunga is a golf club located 20 minutes south of Coffs Harbour in close vicinity to the town centre of Urunga. It Features a nine-hole golf course, tennis courts, croquet green, The Shank Inn…

C.ex Urunga is a golf club located 20 minutes south of Coffs Harbour in close vicinity to the town centre of Urunga.

It Features a nine-hole golf course, tennis courts, croquet green, The Shank Inn Restaurant, TAB facilities and a brand new bar in the main lounge area with spectacular views of the Kalang and Bellinger Rivers.

There are plenty of sports on offer including a complete golf program, tennis lessons and croquet. Featuring a nine-hole golf course, tennis courts and croquet green; C.ex Urunga is the perfect place for team-building activities or a relaxing break mid-conference.

Actively welcomes people with access needs.

Adhere to The Food Authority requirements for allergy management in food preparation

Caters for people who are blind or have vision loss

Caters for people who are deaf or have hearing loss

Caters for people who use a wheelchair.

Caters for people with allergies and intolerances.

Caters for people with sufficient mobility to climb a few steps but who would benefit from fixtures to aid balance. (This includes people using walking frames and mobility aids)

Employ people with disability

Have a low noise reception areas with hearing loss friendly acoustics and adequate lighting for viewing facial expressions (includes common areas which are free of background noise, background music)

Have a step free main entrance to the building and/or reception area (includes ramps or slopes with a maximum gradient of 1:14, otherwise are too steep for wheelchairs)

Have an accessible public toilet which is unlocked

Have at least one wheelchair accessible parking space with wheelchair accessible signage clearly displayed (International standards are 3200mm wide x 2500 mm high)

Have equipment to respond to anaphylactic shock such as epi–pens and defibrillator

Have grab rails in the bathroom

Have lifts with enough space for people using a mobility aid to enter and turn around to use the lift buttons. Buttons are at accessible height.

Have step free access to restaurant, lounge and bar

Have step free access to the conference or function room

Have step free outdoor pathways (includes picnic areas, barbecues and shelters)

Have TVs with captioning option

Have visual alerts for emergencies (Include flashing light)

Have volume controlled phones

Modify your cooking and cleaning practices to cater for people with food allergies or chemical intolerances (could include menus with meals free from: nuts, dairy, seafood, eggs, gluten etc)

Offer a range of contact methods for receiving complaints

Offer multiple options for booking - web, email, phone

Provide seating in common areas including reception area

Train your staff in disability awareness

Train your staff to respond to allergic reactions

Use floors/coverings which are slip resistant, firm and smooth

Use non-slip tiles in the bathroom or slip resistant matting

Welcomes and assists people who have challenges with learning, communication, understanding and behaviour. (includes people with autism, intellectual disability, Down syndrome, acquired brain injury (ABI), dyslexia and dementia)

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