Singleton Singleton Golf Club Singleton Golf Club is a nine-hole golf course in Singleton and is considered to be the best golf course in the Hunter…
Singleton Riverside Park Singleton The park has proven to be a hit with children of all ages with an adventure playground offering towers, a rope bridge,…
Fordwich Kawal Rock Distillery The Kawal Rock gin distillery is in the heart of the Hunter Valley where they produce unique quality gin, vodka and brandy…
Singleton Walkabout with Warren Uncle Warren Taggart, a Wonnarua elder and knowledge holder, runs tours for small groups to Aboriginal sites including the…
Singleton Singleton Historical Society and Museum Inc The main Singleton Historical Museum is based within the old Council Chambers (formerly lock-up cells) built in 1874,…
Singleton Eternal Flame, bronze sculpture by artist Tanya Bartlett The bronze sculpture "Eternal Flame" created by Tanya Bartlett and commissioned by Singleton District Artists,…
Singleton Australian Army Infantry Museum The museum serves as a mirror to the Infantry Corps. It is a place where young soldiers can learn about the history behind…
Singleton 100 Years of Rotary In 2022, the artist, Will Maguire, was commissioned by the Rotary Club of Singleton on Hunter to create a sculpture…
Singleton Singleton Civic Centre Singleton Council operates the Civic Centre which offers the community a variety of services and facilities for a diverse…
Singleton Singleton Arts and Cultural Centre The Singleton Arts and Cultural Centre (SACC) is a community-based and non-profit public gallery, which offers more than…
Howes Valley Howes Trail Whether you’re keen to hit the road on a 4WD tour or explore nature at its best, scenic Howes trail offers an exhilarating…
Singleton Europcar Singleton Navigating a whole new area on your own schedule was never easier than with a cheap car hire from Singleton. As soon as…