On this national day, you will remember not only the original ANZACs who served at Gallipoli and the Western Front, but commemorate more than a century of service by Australian servicemen and women.
On this national day, you will remember not only the original ANZACs who served at Gallipoli and the Western Front, but commemorate more than a century of service by Australian servicemen and women.
Dawn Service (Monument Hill)
Commences at 5.30am. Traffic movement and parking on Monument Hill will be restricted for ANZAC Day Commemorations. A free shuttle bus is available for the SS&A Club carpark from 5am, bookings are essential.
ANZAC Day March (Dean Street)
Commences at 9am at Macauley Street, proceeding down Dean Street and finishing in Elizabeth Street. Dean Street will be closed to all traffic from Young Street to Creek Street for the duration of the ANZAC Day march.
10am Service (Monument Hill)
Commences at 10am. Traffic movement and parking on Monument Hill will be restricted for ANZAC Day Commemorations.
For the full ANZAC Day program and shuttle bus bookings visit the AlburyCity website.