Empire Cinema


Empire Cinema is the oldest commercial cinema in the country operating from 15 September 1915. It celebrated its centenary on 15 September 2015. A four-screen digital cinema screening first-release…

Empire Cinema is the oldest commercial cinema in the country operating from 15 September 1915. It celebrated its centenary on 15 September 2015.

A four-screen digital cinema screening first-release films, national theatre and met opera. In 2014 awarded Best Independent Regional Cinema. The cinema was the civic farewell venue to Sir Don Bradman on his first Ashes Tour in 1930. It was one of the first country cinemas to install sound in 1930.

In 2003 it was Awarded Best Independent Country Cinema by the Independent Cinema Distributors.

Since 2009, the Empire has been presenting performances from the New York Met Opera and London's National Theatre.

Formation of one of Australia's most successful film societies - Films in the Southern Highlands (FISH) in 1994.

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