Convenient food, news, and groceries in the heart of Urana. Stop for a refreshing beverage in the takeaway lounge while perusing your favourite magazine or newspaper. Enjoy a sandwich or a toastie…
Convenient food, news, and groceries in the heart of Urana. Stop for a refreshing beverage in the takeaway lounge while perusing your favourite magazine or newspaper. Enjoy a sandwich or a toastie hot off the press!
They have all the classic takeaway foods including Chiko rolls, cornjacks, battered savs, and potato cakes or potato scallops (depending on where you are from!) And don't forget the chicken salt!
Crispy hot chips, locally sourced beef for their steak Sandwiches, juicy burgers with the lot, and a multitude of flavours for a satisfying milkshake or thickshake.
If you are passing through town early in the day, plan to stop in for breakfast! They serve scrumptious egg and bacon rolls and a hot coffee or chai latte to keep you going on the road.
Catering to all size groups including small personal interest groups who are keen to make a day of it or enjoy a refreshing rest break in Urana.
Adhere to The Food Authority requirements for allergy management in food preparation
Caters for people who are deaf or have hearing loss
Caters for people who use a wheelchair.
Caters for people with allergies and intolerances.
Employ people with disability
Have a step free main entrance to the building and/or reception area (includes ramps or slopes with a maximum gradient of 1:14, otherwise are too steep for wheelchairs)
Modify your cooking and cleaning practices to cater for people with food allergies or chemical intolerances (could include menus with meals free from: nuts, dairy, seafood, eggs, gluten etc)
Offer a range of contact methods for receiving complaints
Offer multiple options for booking - web, email, phone
Train your staff in communicating with people who are deaf or have hearing loss
Train your staff in communicating with people with learning or behavioural challenges
Train your staff in disability awareness
Train your staff to respond to allergic reactions
Use Plain English / easy read signage and information (includes menus and emergency information)
Welcomes and assists people who have challenges with learning, communication, understanding and behaviour. (includes people with autism, intellectual disability, Down syndrome, acquired brain injury (ABI), dyslexia and dementia)