Saturday 18 October 2025 to Sunday 19 October 2025
Spring into Art at Newbridge is a spring celebration of open gardens, live music, artisan market stalls, art exhibitions and the Newbridge Art Show, held in the Blayney Shire village of Newbridge.
Spring into Art at Newbridge is a spring celebration of open gardens, live music, artisan market stalls, art exhibitions and the Newbridge Art Show, held in the Blayney Shire village of Newbridge.
Have a step free main entrance to the building and/or reception area (includes ramps or slopes with a maximum gradient of 1:14, otherwise are too steep for wheelchairs)
Have an accessible public toilet which is unlocked
Have step free outdoor pathways (includes picnic areas, barbecues and shelters)
Offer a range of contact methods for receiving complaints
Offer multiple options for booking - web, email, phone