Goulburn River Walkways


Over the past four years, Goulburn Mulwaree Council has invested significantly into an extensive river walkway program to open this space back up to the community. Beginning at Marsden Weir with the…

Over the past four years, Goulburn Mulwaree Council has invested significantly into an extensive river walkway program to open this space back up to the community. Beginning at Marsden Weir with the Wollondilly River Walkway, the pathway now extends over four kilometres to the Tarlo Street Bridge.

The Mulwaree River Walkway currently begins on Bungonia Road, going over Lansdowne Bridge and following Forbes Street towards Carr Confoy Sporting Fields. It then goes around the Goulburn Golf Course and the Goulburn Wetlands to May Street. A Future link between the two walkways is planned to be completed.

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