Bygone Beautys Treasured Teapot Museum and Tearooms Leura
Bygone Beautys Treasured Teapot Museum and Tearooms is nestled in the picturesque mountain village of Leura and houses the world's largest private collection of tea wares. There are more than 5,500 teapots in the collection, spanning five centuries and including teapots from all over the world, most of which were collected within Australia.
Enjoy the selection of teas and partake of lunch or light refreshments, served with olde-worlde charm on fine bone china. Devonshire Tea is the house speciality or indulges in a Traditional High Tea. Bookings of 20 or more guests will include by invitation a Teapot Talk.
Whether you like English or Irish breakfast, Oolong or Russian Caravan; white, green, orange or red; weak, strong or smoky, the long-awaited Bygone Beautys Treasured Teapot Museum and Tearooms revamp has been steeped to perfection and is ready to savour.
Bygone Beautys Treasured Teapot Museum and Tearooms Leura look forward to greeting you.