Ante/Anti/Post Here + Now IV Exhibition

Friday 17 May 2024 to Sunday 26 May 2024 (DAILY event)


Curated by Alinta Maguire and Aneshka Mora. This exhibition addresses the ongoing impacts of colonialism - the state’s various systems of violence against Blak, queer, non-white, and other…

Curated by Alinta Maguire and Aneshka Mora.

This exhibition addresses the ongoing impacts of colonialism - the state’s various systems of violence against Blak, queer, non-white, and other minoritised being as well as land, non-human life, and viable futures - not just by critique but by seeking to move beyond/behind/amongst coloniality.

With emerging Dharawal based artists: Monisha Kumar, Angry Girl, Stephanie Beaupark, Monty Hancock, Chip, Matthew Grayson and Sarah Carr.

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.